Want to start an in-home Bible study?

Maybe you are a little intimidated and your inadequacies are right in front of your face. Download your FREE workbook:

“How to Start Your Own In-Home Bible Study”!

This guide will help walk you step-by-step to start your own in-home Bible. You will discover:

  1. The Five Steps to Leading a Good Bible Study
  2. The Myths about Leading a Bible Study
  3. How to Host the Perfect Place (without cleaning your whole house)

I help you answer the questions you might have like, "Who do I invite?" and "What Bible study do I use?"

With over 15 years of expense, I've developed this amazing 21-page workbook on starting your own in-home Bible study. If you know 3 people who would like to study the Bible with you, you can start one today! Download for free!

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